About Us

PrisonVine.com  is the  ONLY Social Media Platform dedicated to people that are Incarcerated.  It was created to help those that are incarcerated meet NEW friends, for dating and also to stay connected with family and friends. We want to help them receive mail and LOTS of it. Our goal is to help keep them relevant to those on the outside and even introduce them to thousands of new friends. What makes us stand out from other websites is that we offer more than just posting one photo of inmates and a few words. With us inmates can tell people more about themselves with more photos, more words to describe them and their interests, post photos AND videos of their favorite songs, movies, and MORE. We also post links to their other social media pages. Inmates can also  join our groups such as New Members, Platinum Members, Artists, Musicians, Poetry and Legal Help Groups.  We are EVERYWHERE from Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, even YouTube promoting people to checkout members on our website. (We ONLY promote members on our Social Media sites with their permission)    PLUS with a few of our Packages we guarantee our members letters and FREE photos. We make sure that they are always receiving mail. If you have any questions please email us at Info@Prisonvine.com. Thanks!!


We (PrisonVine.com) accept no responsibility for the accuracy of any content found within these pages. The appropriate safeguards should be used in communicating with any person(s) that you may meet through this service. By using this service, you agree to not hold us responsible for any costs, liabilities, attorney’s fee, or damages that you may incur. The profiles placed on this service are written by the inmates and we are only the means by which their profiles are published. To use this service, you must be at least 18 years of age.  



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